Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010


Usia Bulan :
Usia bulan lebih tua dari yang diperkirakan, bahkan diperkirakan lebih tua daripada bulan dan matahari itu sendiri! Umur Bumi paling tua yang bisa diperkirakan adalah 4.6 Milyar tahun. Sementara itu batuan Bulan malah sudah berumur 5.3 Milyar tahun. Bulan lebih tua 1 milyar tahun ketimbang Bumi!
Lebih keras diatas :
Normalnya sebuah planet akan keras di dalam dan makin lama makin lembut diatas, seperti bumi kita. Tidak demikian hal nya dengan bulan. Bagian dalam bulan seperti berongga, sementara bagian atasnya keras sekeras Titanium. Hal ini lah yang menyebabkan bahwa bulan bagaimanapun juga sangat kuat dan tahan serangan. Kawah terbesar di Bulan berdiameter 300KM, dengan kedalaman hanya 6.4KM. Sementara itu, menurut hitungan ilmuwan, jika batuan yang menubruk bulan tadi, menubruk Bumi, maka akan terbentuk lubang paling tidak sedalam 1.200KM!
Bulan yang berongga juga dibuktikan saat kru Apollo yang meninggalkan Bulan, membuang kembali sisa pesawat yang tidak digunakan kembali ke Bulan . Hasilnya, sebuah gempa dan gema pada permukaan bulan terjadi selama 15 menit. Penemuan ini diulang kembali oleh kru Apollo 13, yang kali ini jatuh lebih keras, menimbulkan gema selama 3 jam 20 menit.

Ibaratnya seperti sedang membunyikan lonceng yang kemudian berdentang, hanya saja karena tidak ada udara, maka suara dentang lonceng yang dihasilkan tidak bisa didengar oleh manusia. Sementara itu, penemuan ini dipertanyakan oleh Carl Sagan, bahwa satelit alamiah nggak mungkin kopong dalam nya.
Bebatuan Bulan :
Asal usul batuan dan debu bulan sendiri tidak jelas, karena perbedaan komposisi pembentuk bulan yang berbeda sekali dengan komposisi batuannya. Batu yang pernah diambil team apollo sebesar 380KG lebih, menunjukkan ada nya bahan unik dan langka seperti Titanium murni, kromium, itrium, dan lain lain. Logam ini sangat keras, tahan panas, anti oksidasi. Jenis logam ini tidak terdapat secara alamiah di alam, dan jelas tidak mungkin terbentuk secara alamiah.
Para ilmuwan juga mengalami kesulitan menembus sisi luar bulan sewaktu mereka mengebor bagian terluar bulan. Setelah di teliti, bagian yang di bor tadi adalah sebuah mineral dengan kandungan titanium, uranium 236 dan neptunium 237. Bahan bahan super keras anti karat, yang juga tidak mungkin terbentuk secara alamiah, karena digunakan di bumi untuk membuat pesawat stealth. Kemungkinan besar, ini logam hasil sepuhan manusia!
Batuan bulan juga entah bagaimana sangat magnetik. Padahal tidak ada medan magnet di Bulan itu sendiri. Berbeda dengan bumi yang banyak sekali mengandung medan magnet.
Air menguap :
Pada 7 Maret 1971, instrumen bulan yang dipasang oleh astronot merekam adanya air melewati permukaan bulan. Uap air tadi bertahan hingga 14 jam dan menutupi permukaan seluas 100 mil persegi.
Ukuran bulan = Matahari ?
Bulan bisa menutupi matahari dalam gerhana bulan total, tapi ukurannya tidak sama. Yang menarik, jarak matahari ke bumi persis 395 kali lipat jarak bulan ke bumi, sedangkan diameter matahari persis 395 kali diameter bulan. Pada saat gerhana matahari total, ukuran bumi dan bulan persis sama, sehingga matahari bisa tertutup bulan secara sempurna. Hitungan ini terlalu cermat dan akurat jika hanya merupakan kebetulan astronomi semata.
Orbit yang aneh :
Orbit bulan merupakan satu satunya yang benar benar hampir bulat sempurna dari semua sistem tata surya kita. Berat utama bulan terletak lebih dekat 6000 kaki ketimbang pusat geometris nya, yang harusnya justru mengakibatkan orbit lengkung. Sesuatu yang tidak diketahui telah membuat bulan stabil pada poros nya. Suatu teori yang belum di yakini benar adanya juga mengatakan bahwa wajah bulan yang selalu sama di setiap hari nya karena adanya suatu hal yang menyebabkan itu. Yang pada intinya, tetap suatu kebetulan astronomi.

Asal usul bulan :
Teori bahwa bulan tadinya adalah sebagian dari bumi yang mental keluar bumi karena tumbukan hebat di masa lalu hampir saja di setujui oleh semua orang, setelah sebelumnya mereka mengira bahwa bulan terbentuk dari debu debu angkasa yang mampat menjadi satelit bumi. Belakangan ini teori menyebutkan bahwa jika bagian sebesar bulan terambil dari bumi, maka bumi tidak akan bisa bulat seperti sekarang. Dan jika bulan tidak berongga, maka tidak mungkin bulan bisa berada menjadi satelit bumi. Terlalu berat dan bulan akan menghantam bumi.
Teori teori asal usul bulan kembali dipertanyakan, dan teori paling gila sepanjang sejarah mulai muncul, bahwa bulan diciptakan dengan sengaja oleh manusia terdahulu sebagai alat bantu dalam navigasi dan juga astronomi!
Bulan adalah kapal luar angkasa ?
Kesempurnaan bulan yang keterlaluan, dan berbagai anomali yang ada dibulan, plus ditambah banyaknya benda benda terbang tak dikenal di bulan membuat banyak pihak mengatakan bahwa kemungkinan besar bulan adalah sebuah pesawat luar angkasa super besar yang diciptakan oleh mahluk cerdas pendahulu kita. Dan bulan BELUM ditinggalkan oleh penghuni nya! Semua kru Apollo dan astronot astronot lain atau peneliti bulan, semuanya telah melihat cahaya cahya adan benda benda terbang tak dikenal yang lalu lalang diantara bulan, muncul dan hilang begitu saja, bahkan selalu menyertai setiap kedatangan dan kepergian para team astronot yang mengunjungi bulan.

Sleep Deprivation and the Risk of Cancer!

Regular exercise may reduce cancer risk in women, but those benefits could be missed if the woman is sleeping too little, U.S. researchers said on Monday (17/11). Studies involving 5968 women in Maryland confirms previous findings that people who perform regular physical activity face a smaller risk for esophageal cancer.

But when the researchers examined women aged 18 through 65 years of diligent exercise every week, they found that sleep seems to play an important role in cancer risk.
People who sleep less than seven hours each night to face the risk of esophageal cancer 47 percent compared with those who sleep more among women who are physically active, the researchers reported that the meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research.

"We thought it was very interesting and arouse curiosity. It's like the first time doing research. That's not something that has been studied extensively, "said Jame McClain of the National Cancer Institute, part of the government's National Institutes of Health, said in a telephone interview.

McClain, who led the study, said it was unclear how exactly too little sleep may make people more susceptible to cancer. "Sleep has long been adequately related to health," said McClain.

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) calls the lack of sleep as a public health problem that can not be considered, and declared the American people increasingly less sleep. The CDC states the percentage of adults who reported sleeping six hours or less per night increased from 1985 until 2006.
Experts say about sleeping with chronic sleep deprivation related to obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart and blood vessel disease, depression, smoking and excessive drinking.

In addition, research has shown that people who exercise regularly face a lower risk of breast cancer, colon and other cancers. Many experts believe the impact of sport on the body's hormone levels, immune function and body weight may play an important role.

Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

Nostradamus Prophecy

This may seem surprising, but the word "Nostradamus" is one of the most searched names on the Internet, more popular even than Osama bin Laden or Madonna. What do you want to know the people in the 21st century about Nostradamus and his predictions?

Historical researchers, the most prominent experts in the work of Michel de Nostredame in Russia, Alexey Penzensky, said that for more than 400 years formal study did not show any attention to the works of Nostradamus. Nostradamus lost in history only as an astrologer. We know little about the prophecies of Leonardo da Vinci, but know perfectly and both of his treatment, culture and achievements of engineering and design-build; for Nostradamus, he is known only in connection with psychotherapy.

Amateur paranormal immediately realize that they have a very good opportunity to consider what they want from each and every statement Nostradamus. At the end of the 16th century, there were attempts to use the statement of Nostradamus for political purposes. Depending on political interests, some people are often interpreted as some prophecy made by Nostradamus.

Alexey Penzensky said that in addition to the Nostradamus predictions have also been prepared poems, but people find it strange poems by telegraph an unusual style of Nostradamus. That was in the early centuries ago where the poem-poem was awarded the new trends in literature that emerged at that time.

Pollinaire Guillaume, one of the greatest French poet of the 20th century called NostradamusNostradamus is a masterpiece of all time. No matter how people talk about Nostradamus and astrology, prophecy books have been reprinted for over 400 years which gives great inspiration to us. as a great poet. Finally, linguists and historians realize that the predictions

Researchers have tried to do a scientific study on the work of Nostradamus since the first, even before the French Revolution. Recently, researchers who studied the works of Nostradamus find some publishing without a name on a French magazine in which Nostradamus predictions are reviewed in the context of the era and culture where predictions were made by not dealing with the future.

Is the main purpose of the Nostradamus prophecies? Many researchers have taken an conclusion that Nostradamus would like to emphasize that history repeats.

Only a few scientific papers about Nostradamus. James Randi with The Mask of Nostradamus: The Prophecies of the World's Most Famous Seer (forecast-forecast from the World's Most Famous Astrologer) is one of them but the book was not translated into Russian language (as well as Indonesian-ed). Randi Michel NostradamusNostradamus stated that after his death showed he was not crazy at all. is a charlatan or a madman and did not trust himself to what he was doing. However, the writings left by

When the Soviet Union collapsed in early 1990, Soviet media reported that according to the allegations, Nostradamus had predicted that the Soviet Union would end after 73 years 7 months. Of course, in a message to King Henry II, Nostradamus predicted the Anti-Christ appears in one day closer to the date of an eclipse of October 12, 1605. And Nostradamus was not the only one who predicted the existence of anti-Christ during that period.

In his work, Nostradamus did not use the game letters and words or names secret. It often happens when a handyman typesetter confuse the names of small cities and villages. The surprise was Nostradamus did not mention such places like Novgorod, Berlin, Warsaw or Krakow at the time when people already know those places. But forecasters say a lot of small urban areas where very difficult to find on the maps detail today.

Nostradamus has a library consisting of about 50 volumes of books or more which is not typical for people who did not come from nobility. He has a book of guidelines that mention the small urban-urban areas in France. Unfortunately, many commentators have failed to find the names mentioned in the works of Nostradamus was the real names of towns in France.

For some reason, the world knew little about the Russian monk Avel prophets who predicted the overthrow of the Romanovs Royal Family for more than a century before terjadian real. Alexey Penzensky said that predictions about the legend Avel not written during his lifetime so that they can not be studied scientifically. Very many of the prophecies legend in the West. It is important that Nostradamus prophecies published in 1555. At the same time, many published predictions that have been forgotten in the West. Stylists create works of Nostradamus Nostradamus writings became very popular.

Nostradamus prophecies for the 20th century,

Likely outbreak of World War-III (Book: Armageddon)
This war will force the nation to plunge into it. Hundreds of millions of human bodies will fill the earth. Menganak blood stream, screams sore meets the sky. At that time, human life would not be worth anything at all. The whole nation will mobilize all its military capability, Cavalry, Artillery and Infantry. Powerful countries will use the most its latest weapons. This war will be claiming much greater than the two previous wars. (This event annunciator will appear the first time from the Middle East).

Devastating global disaster that will hit the entire nation
[This is based on kuatrain encountered in the Century IV paragraph 67]
Period commencing with the period of chaos shift in earth's geological, earthquake, volcanic eruption, and disruption of natural weather systems bode who worry. As a result, the famine occurred and where while in the other hemisphere occurred FLOOD DISASTER!. The nations of western nations in particular RECEIPTS will be weakened. They will be defeated by the Civil and the person who will be scrambling to fill with water. UNITED STATES of power will be subdued by natural disasters who most sweeping. Economically, the U.S. will be bankrupt and three other big states would send assistance to civilians who are suffering.

Reappearance of the king of terror
[This is based on kuatrain encountered in Century VIII paragraph 29]
At the time of people throughout the nation are so very difficult, especially in developing countries, the king of terror will emerge as a Hero yangg tactic is really just slavery for the people who helped. The king of terror will use natural disasters as opportunities knock down power of government. Middle East used as the basis for action.

King of Terror will dominate the Middle East (IRAN)
[This is based on kuatrain encountered in the Century II, paragraph 23 and 81]
The king of terror will take over the Iranian government with menggunakkan trap through political figures. Betrayal will appear and the civil war there, a representative will appear but will be killed when Iran was taken over. King's reign of terror will perform up to a massive expansion to Europe and then to the Mediterranean. He will also unite NORTH AFRICA who sympathize because cultural background with Asia and the Middle East.

The emergence of disputes among the leaders of 3rd world (poor countries)
[Century III, paragraph 60]
A black youth will emerge as a leader in 3rd world countries with the aim to unite these countries to jointly fight against the developed world, particularly around the Adriatic Sea, the Caspian and Israel. (Affirmed by the Mc Clellan many Nostradamus prophecies that point to this direction ...)

The murder of several important figures of the world
In a vague prophecy, Nostradamus did not mention in detail about important figures meant the world!

The killing of George Walker Bush
Vital influence and involvement in the Middle East problem is expected to end with his death.

The emergence of Mother Greed
Some suspect that the reference in this forecast is the Cindy Sheehan anti-war seoraang aktvis and active opponents of Bush's policies, the cause is because his son was killed while performing a direct instruction to Bush on the invasion of Iraq. She is currently in the spotlight-hungry public info, the popularity even managed to have, but all that is not enough to replace his son who had been missing. If this paragraph becomes a reality, then CindySheehan will design scenarios of mass demonstrations in Washington and expanded into a major riot and making a terrorist disguised as a student yng easily run the action.

The emergence of Lady Diana
The 10th anniversary of the death of Lady Diana will happen gloom in which the eruption of Yellowstone will haunt all the people of England. In his prediction, in October 2008 will appear a shade of light resembling a fire with a woman, where light (Lady Diana's funeral), it emerges clearly Lady Diana. Thousands of people will come watch this event and then Lady Diana also convey the message to the world.

Reverend Inter War
Only partially confirmed the incident panampakan Lady Diana, this event will trigger a war or rather the conflict between the pastor, the pastor who believes and considers this as a miracle of God and what does not. This ideology different conflicts, at its peak will cause bloodshed among the churches and not a few pastors who have been killed.

Scary place in the World

1. Bermuda Triangle

Hearing the Bermuda Triangle of course almost everyone knows awesomeness of the place. Mystery of the loss of several ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle region would make everyone reeling. There are also believed to be where Satan dwells and is also believed to Bermuda Triangle UFO base. The place is located between Miami, Bermuda and San Juan (Puerto Rico). The most interesting story is the loss of all the squadrons of bombers in 1945 and the loss of several large vessels. Curiously, none of the body or aircraft and boat debris found. Even some of the tools noted the odd wave of electromagnetism in place. Many people believe that the place which will serve as headquarters extraterrestrials.

2. Edinburgh

City pent Edinburg, south of Bridge which consists of a network of underground maze, room, tunnel boats, and the alley has been wrapped in mystery and intrigue over the years. The city was opened in 1788 but almost is not known to exist, until the year 1985 the city was rediscovered. Is believed to be a place where life and death of thousands of people underground.

3. Lizzie Borden B & B

Ax murderers are scary in a house in the Greek style Masschusett about 50 miles south of Boston. The house was built in 1845 and made the murder of Abby and Andrew Borden with the ax by their own children, Lizzi. But Lizzi himself never proved the murder and is free of charge. The case is also unsolved until now.

4. London

Under the ancient city of London there are horrors. The city was once believed to be a witness to atrocities with bone and blood scattered on the aisle. Ghost Road London became the most sinister places and be a place of special tours that followed the bloody footsteps of the legendary criminal Ther Jack Ripper.

5. New York

On the streets of New York has long been the most bizarre places. Usually this place was visited by two million more New Yorkers who costumed creepy. Other celebration events are interesting to visit is a big celebration of the ghoulish Halloween Extravaganza and Procession contains Satan. St. John the Divine which is the largest Gothic Cathedral in New York is also interesting to visit.

6. Roswell

Some people believe that the wreckage that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 an alien spacecraft. And the Roswell incident was a controversy until now. United States government's efforts to cover up the facts, make a lot of parties who believe that there is something very important is being hidden. Many are convinced that Roswell is a historic place in the phenomena of UFOs and "visitors from outer space."

7. Salem

City of Salem Salem, save stories of tragedy in 1692. In that year a lot of people tortured and killed because of being accused as a witch even though there is no evidence. Every month in October, residents of the town of Salem is always a party celebrating the mystery of a ghost in some places. One is the Witch House, which is the oldest building in Salem and is the home of Jonathan Corwin, the judge responsible for the death of 19 women in Salem.

8. Savannah

The old city of Savannah is the oldest in Georgia. The city is believed to have a long history of violence and tragedy during the revolution and bloody civil war. In fact, it is also reflected from buildings normally resident there who made a few centimeters above the ground. There, visitors will be invited pirate adventure in the House which is very popular in recent centuries. Also in 1851 the Marshall House is believed to be a place caring for victims of civil war.

9. Hotel Stanley

The hotel was built in 1909 in the mountains of Colorado. The hotel looks very impressive and has a very famous restaurant. But the hotel also keeps the mystery. As local residents believed that the Flora Stanley, the first owner, often see and hear the sound of his first wife who had recently died, and even believed to often play the piano together. In addition, on the fourth floor of the hotel there is a dark room, and from room number 217 is often times seen a king's head.

10. Transylvania
The city is famous for its history of vampires. Blood suckers is believed to have mastered this city. Transylvania is also believed to be the birthplace of the world of darkness. The town is located in the western part of Romania is a vampire's house. Bran Castle is the castle of Dracula in the 14th century is also an attractive place to visit. About 20 mile from the city of Brasov, which is shadowed by Mount Bucegi, there is a house that once belonged to a Romanian prince who becomes a vampire.