Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010

Baby Scrapbooking Ideas

Kids love to hear all kinds of stories. But one story they probably would want to hear over and over again is the story of their birth. This is why, many would prefer creating baby scrapbook to tell in a more tangible way how they come out in this world. But it does not mean that baby scrapbook is limited to the “how” of giving birth. Even the minor details are important to create a more wonderful baby scrapbook your kid would enjoy and would be proud of as they grow up. And since baby scrapbook is some what a kid’s biography, your kids will appreciate how much they mean to you

Cara Membuat System Image Windows 7

Beberapa hari yang lalu saya memposting artikel tentang cara membuat CD Repair (System Repair Disc) Windows 7. CD Repair Windows 7 ini bisa Anda gunakan untuk memperbaiki Windows 7 Anda yang mengalami gagal masalah, misalnya gagal start. Salah satu opsi atau tool yang ada pada system recovery disc tersebut adalah System Image Recovery. Dengan tool ini, Anda dapat melakukan recovery dengan sebuah system image dari Widows 7 Anda. Pada artikel tersebut, saya juga berjanji akan membahas tutorial cara membuat system image di Windows 7. Nah, pada artikel kalai ini, saya aan membahas tutorial langkah demi langkah membuat sebuh system image Windows 7.
Sebelum membuat system image dari Windows, Anda mesti menyiapkan sebuah partisi yang paing tidak sama dengan ukuran partisi Windows Anda. Bahkan kalau bisa lebih besar. Dan kalau bisa pula, disk yang dijadikan tempat penyimapan image Windows tidak satu physical drive atau satu hardware dengan hard disk tempat instalasi windows. Hal ini bertujuan agar apabila hard disk tempat instalasi Windows mengalami kerusakan maka Anda masih mempunyai sebuah hard disk yang berisi system image.
Selain menggunakan hard disk, Anda juga bisa menggunakan media DVD sebagi tempat penyimpanan system image Anda. Namun, jumlah media DVD yang Anda butuhkan mungkin lebih dari 1 DVD. Tergantung ukuran instalasi Windows 7 Anda.
Apabila, Anda sudah menyiapkan sebuah partisi atau sebuah disk khusus sebagai media penyimpanan image, berikut langkah-langkah membuat system image Windows 7:
  1. Buka Control Panel. Pada jendela Control Panel, perhatikan pada item System and Security. Di item tersebut ada sebuah tulisan Back up your computer. Klik pada tulisan Back up your computer tersebut.
  2. Di jendela selanjutnya, pada sisi jendela sebelah kiri, klik menu Create a System Image
  3. Setelah itu akan muncul jendela Create System Image. Pada jendela tersebut, tandai pilihan On a hard disk karena kita akan menggunakan sebuah partisi pada sebuah hard disk sebagai tempat penyimpanan image. Kemudian pilih partisi yang akan dijadikan tempat penyimapan system image Windows 7 pada drop down box yang disediakan. Klik Next untuk melanjutkan.
  4. Di jendela selanjutnya, Windows akan secara otomatis memilih operating system yang akan dibuat system image-nya. Karena ada komputer saya terdapat dua OS Windows, maka saya harus membuat system image dari kedua OS tersebut. Klik Next untuk melanjutkan.
  5. Selanjutnya, Anda akan menemui sebuah jendela konfirmasi backup (pembuatan system image). Pada jendela tersebut, Anda dapat melihat drive mana saja yang dibackup, jumlah ruang hard disk yang dibutuhkan dan lokasi penyimpanan system image Windows Anda anantinya. Klik Start Backup untuk memulai proses backup.
  6. Setelah Anda mengklik tombol Start Backup tadi, maka proses pembuatan system image Windows akan segera dimulai. Tunggu hingga proses selesai. Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat system image dari Windows ini tergantung dari ukuran instalasi Windows Anda.

Jika poses pembuatan image operating system Anda sudah selesai, Anda dapat menggunakannya kapan pun untuk merecover Windows 7 Anda seperti keadaan pada saat system image ini dibuat. Cara melakukan recovery dengan system image oS Windows ini akan saya bahas pada kesempatan lain. Jadi agar Anda tak ketinggalan dengan tutorial tersebut, silahkan berlangganan artikel blog ini dengan mengklik link bertuliskan Langganan Artikel Melalui Email disebalah kanan blog ini, agar Anda mendapat update langsung ke email Anda.
Sekian tutorial cara membuat system image operating system Windows 7. Semoag bermanfaat dan selamat mencoba!


A huge earning is usually considered for measuring the wealth of someone. However, why do so many people with huge income frequently end up running out of money in the middle or at the end of the month? What is the problem?
If you have a job now, do you remember the first one you ever had? Usually, the first experience on work is the most unforgettable experience.
Let's take an example. Anto was still living with his family until he got a job at the age of 23, as a clerk in a trading company. At that time, he had just graduated. Although he had to go through a probationary period, Anto was so excited when he knew that he would get his first salary. His salary was Rp 600,000, which he would receive on the 27th.
We can guess what he would want to do: he wanted to treat his family. He wanted to express his gratitude for getting a salary for the first time in his life, and he also wanted to show them that he was independent now.
Let's see: he received the salary on the 27th. On the 29th he took his family out for a meal in an all-you-can-eat restaurant, so each of them could satisfy their appetite. The pre-tax cost for one person was Rp 22,000, and after tax was Rp 24,200 per person. All of his family members were 7, consisting of his father, mother, one big brother and 3 annoying younger brothers. All was 6, plus Anto made it 7. It means that he had to pay the dinner bill of Rp 169,400. Which means, only 2 days after he received his salary, he had already spent 28% out of his salary for that month. So, he had only Rp 430,600 left for the rest of the month.
"No problem", thought Anto. "It's my own family that I treated, not other people. Besides, it's not every day I do that. Once a month is enough." Days went by. One week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks. "Hmm…that stuff in the mall looks pretty good. There is a very interesting looking shirt. Okay, it costs Rp 28,000. There's also this nice pair of trousers to wear for work. Very cheap, costs only Rp 65,000. It won't hurt to look stylish at the office". He then started buying things. "Okay", Anto thought, "one shirt and a pair of pants for this month. The rest of my salary would be used for transportation and food until the end of the month" .
What happened? On the 24th of the next month, just three days before his second-month payday, he had only Rp 50,000 left.
Anto started thinking. Okay...., such was because he spent most of his money to treat his family. Also this was his first time working. Within the coming months, his finance would be better.
The second month, he got his salary again. Still in the same amount. No raise yet. The difference was no more treating the family. Days and weeks went by. A few days before his third salary, he only had Rp 75,000 left.
Three months passed by, he was finally accepted as permanent employee. He got a Rp 150,000 raise to Rp 750,000. "Not bad", Anto thought. This meant that I would be able to "breath" and save a little. But strangely, a few days before even one month period ended, his still had only little money left. The sixth month, the seventh month, the eight month, although he got a raise, but he still ran out of money and could not put any into savings.
As a matter of fact, Anto is not the only one, whose income is under Rp 1m, with this problem. Even people with millions per month income still have trouble saving money.
What is really happening? Many people think that by getting a raise, they will not run out of money in the middle of the month and they can save for sure. Every month they hope that they will get a raise the next months. But after they really get a raise, they still run out of money.
It is clear that the solution here lies not on how big your income is. The amount of your income does not guarantee that you will not run out of money in the middle of the month. The size of your income does not guarantee that you will be able to save. The key here is not how much money you make, but how you manage your income so that it can be stretched in a one-month period.
There is no fixed way on the right method to manage your finance. However, based from experiences, there are several things that can help you manage your finance well each month:
  1. Plan your income and outcome every month.
  2. Carry out the plan strictly.
  3. Have reserved fund.
  4. Join insurance plan.
In the next number, we will discuss each of the approaches.